Wednesday, April 28, 2010

isn't this just the cutest?

I am definitely a cat person.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

todays thoughts

beating Jordan by 12 points felt real nice. now i ain't saying she a beetdigger..

T-Pain really is a lucky dinosaur

Fred and Betsy, 2 mallards chilled in the outfield during the game today. we fed them ritz crackers of course

I like having lunch with those people

I sure hope I'll be able to go on my day date for prom, thanks a bunch softball

prom shoes? check. boutonniere? oops.

haters back off of justin beiber, he's a babe

I had a packet of inferno hot sauce at del taco, my prize is 45 cents. i rock.

who should i ask to morp?!? NOT beef and cheese.

squilliams have issues. Richard issues.

i don't wanna go to durfees class tomorrow. also, he looks like Mr. Fredrickson off of Up

i figured out how much i love mary-kate and ashley. i couldn't get enough of them in my childhood.

i'll have myself some fun with the layout of this post

note to self- get your grades up Lise.

riding the bus on the way home brought us to see this:

the whole back side of this 4-runner was in flames. we could feel the thousand degrees as we passed by, 3 lanes away. coach clark thought it would be funny to say, "who's got some marshmallows?" good one.

Friday, April 23, 2010

there it is folks


Robyn has way pretty blue eyes that i want all for myself
Hayden texted him today.. lucky
Jessie has super cute clothing that I envy
Mac, hand over your teeth please
Kati is super popular, i wish i was that cool
Cole gets real tan real fast and it irks
Syd takes any dare, any day without hesitation
Nate is good at soccer, if i could i would play too
Jade's hair is perfect every day. Teach me your ways
Lardine has the metabolism of Michael Phelps
Amy can skip 1st without having to run 80 poles

there. that's my jealous list.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

people people people

Today has just been one of those days where everything is funny, and a little bit weird. Like this guy:

PGHS softball beat Lone Peak today. It was a huuuge win.

I heard some funny things today, like

"I'm basically a horse, I fall asleep standing up"

(as a boy strikes out in baseball) "What was i thinking?? FML"

"... do you love him?"

"Oh no!! We forgot T-Pain!"

"Kenzie, it's just a cheeseburger.... ya!"

"I need to do my own thing"

This post was funny and weird. Welcome to my life.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

mr. golden sun

today at softball I got a nasty sunburn. it covers my neck and hits just on the edge of my shoulders. needless to say, i'll be looking hot at prom. all my softball buds have a solution of just hitting up some tanning beds, but little do they know that after the 1st time you go tanning, you increase your risk of getting skin cancer by 72%. I'm gonna have to go todo natural (that's all natural for you non-spanish speakers) I cannot wait for summer. it's so close, yet so far away. here's what you might have found me doing last summer:

  • pranking with macshizzle
  • listening to tunes (i've got a feeling) with the windows rolled down
  • watching the O.C. while sipping on sonic slushies. happy hour :)
  • bike rides with the best friends at 7 in the morning
  • beaching
  • more beaching
  • watching scary movies
  • trampoline baseball at Robyns
  • lax "lessons" with Ryan
  • sleeping in, too much
  • soaking up the sun like there's no tomorrow

so summer.

i. love. you.

Monday, April 19, 2010


People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior moves.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may decieve you.
Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.
Create anyway.
If you find serentiy and happiness, some may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten .
Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.
Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.


..softball drains everything out of me and I go home and fall asleep to Harry

..I don't have any math homework

..I find the perfect dress and wear it all over the home best friend draws pictures for me

..doing the stanky leg can cure boredom

..I spend a whole half hour on Facebook

..I take my cool bracelet outside and watch as the sunlight makes it turn pretty colors

..I wish I actually knew David Archuleta

..I fall. actually, that's a lot of the time

..I play with my pet kitty Raja.

..Wob and I have deep discussions about.. boyfriends

..I wish clay would just give me my darn headband already

..I like being alive

Friday, April 16, 2010

he kissed the ground

see you there.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

winner winner chicken dinner

since i'm not cool enough to go to prom, i'm missing out on the frantic search for the "perfect dress". since her life has been a little busy lately, i got to find my sisters prom dress for her.

i think the orange bows set a nice tone to the dress, and the neckline is totally flattering. you are so welcome.

*'scuse me for quality, or lack thereof, of this pic.

Monday, April 12, 2010

i live for this stuff

it's the best.

hair cuts give me stress

i freaked. 2 inches off!
i'm feeling pretty good about it now though. it's healthy.
i like healthy.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

i be a klutz

i've recently discovered i might just be the biggest klutz on the planet.
*i sprained both my ankles in a time span of 3 weeks
*i continue to trip over everything on the ground
*i've spilled an average of 3 out of 4 glasses of water down my front every day this week.
*as i went to throw a softball to friend robyn yesterday, i flat out biffed it. how? i tripped over my shoelace.
good one lisa

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Scratch that.

This little package showed up literally seconds after i published that last post

If you unscramble it, it says Spencer
I'm happy

Remember this?? Deja vu.
I'm going to prom :)

.i'm awesome.

So, i was told if i didn't post something...i was gonna be physically assaulted. So here we go.

This spring break will be one to remember seeing as I'm going to VIVA LAS VEGAS. Yes, sin city. But oh hey, I'm an awesome Mormon and i don't all. (ctr) All the partying we will be doing is watching the Belagio Fountains, swimming, tanning, dancing....but ya know, i guess that will suffice;) I'm choosing to spend spring break with Lindsey, Chunie, Lauren and Bertha(aka the legendary black beast car) hopefully we don't break down. Bertha has seen better days.

So....prom is coming up. Senior prom. I sure hope I get asked or I'll be having an awesome pity party, eating chocolate and watching a plethora of chick flicks. So, if any guys from PG stumble across this blog...I'm available for prom:) so is my loser sister. haha. jusssss playinnn. well see ya.

hellen kellers kite

theres a number (5) of reasons why i liked this weekend

1. awesome Kati Briggs got elected student body president! i think as a combined force, Kati and Sam will do great things for PGHS. i'm proud of my brother clay also. he was super all week long and had a good skit. congrats to kassi, alyssa, danny, and everybody else that made it. next year will be fantastic.

2. Easter Sunday babe. I loooooove waking up and finding a chocolate bunny, gardening gloves, and bubbles in my basket. but i love the Savior and his love more. Easter dinner this year was delicious, and i enjoyed playing with the little neighborhood boys for over an hour. mathew, one little 7 year old blurted out "we all have 4 cheeks" and proceeded to burst out in giggles, followed by 10 other little boys. best ever.

3. General Conference. I like to be watching on T.V. every time the savior comes.

4. saturday night was full of nothing but band names. austin, ryan, and occasionally nate gave what would be a 30 page list of potential band names. some memorable ones were:
  • legistic lampshades
  • wombiscuit (most liked)
  • alarm clock romance
  • hellen kellers kite
  • chemical fusion
  • rash decision
  • made in israel (with hit single Mazel Tov)
  • time smudge

5. Robyns dear mother Sandie decided she wanted to take me, Robyn, and Syd out to dinner while the men were at priesthood session. we were told pizza factory was our destination. planning on leaving in 20 minutes, we get a frantice phone call from wob saying we had a reservation for Tucanos at 6. it was 5:30. we got there in time and needless to say, i love Sandie.

happy easter!!

-picture of an easter egg my cute 8 year old brother designed.

Friday, April 2, 2010

rainbow foot

I have a rainbow foot.

grossed out? this beaut happened last thursday, when i slipped (gracefully) on home plate. embarrassed, i limped towards the dugout and told my team "watch out guys, the plate is wet". they laughed. i laughed. everyone laughed. and then... pain. now i've been out for over a week and call myself a regular in the training room. slush buckets and rehab would be the title of the chapter in my life right now. Robyn decided to name my ankles, seeing as i've sprained both in the past 3 weeks. Granger (left foot) and Hillcrest (right foot) have been constantly cared for. you guys ready to play??