I watched it 3 times in 2 days because it was so witty, funny, and charming. and oh my goodness, Josh Duhamel is so good looking and the soundtrack provided a couple good ones, including an old favorite.
"6 beers enter, no beers leave"
"You ordered an 8 pack.. enjoy"
"Miss.. you have all the time in the world"
Jon Heder was a hoot he was probably my favorite character.
I don't care, I still like it.
so, taking in that this movie is a major copy-cat but is still super good, I give this 6.

oh boy.
frankly, back then I found myself as bored as 10 year old can be. now I can get through the cheesy lines and bad co-star acting.. barely. okay it's not that bad but they've made way better movies.
"We were fired over instant coffee! I'd call that an over-reaction!"
the acting is SO BAD in this one. one of the twins has a really cute boyfriend but his horrid attempt at acting shadows the good.
my sister and I were obsessed like every other girl. I had some good times with this set of twins. but really, I prefer Fred and George.
4 out of 10.