Spanish kids are cool. Yesterday for a mutual activity we had a BBQ and played volleyball. This one kid, Inigo, basically played with his feet and head the whole time. His serve was a bicycle kick, that's all you need to know. "Who won the world cup?" Another boy named
Ebai 6 packed me (spiked one right at my face). It was awesome.
Summer rain showers are refreshing. Especially at night. My little brother and I danced and splashed around in the rain a couple nights ago. When it started thundering and
lightening struck, we sat safely on our porch. I love when it's a monkey's wedding too, when it's raining and sunny at the same time.
My room is awesome. I hated my room 1 month ago, and now I love it. I completely redid
everything. Repainted my mirror frame, dressers, and bed frame. I got a cute comforter from ikea, and reorganized my clothes and belongings. It's not like those rooms you see in home decor magazines, but it's cute. Pictures to come soon.
I hate makeup. I love the freedom of being able to rub your eye without worrying about your eyelashes sticking together or your eyeliner smearing. This is the life. I basically only wear make up for church and nights out. It's nice.
Humans are annoying. Not all the time, but there are some things that irk me. When people, mostly girls, fish for compliments. "I look SO fat". Okay. First off, your like 100 pounds. And everyone and their dog knows I'm going to say, "No your so skinny!". Or the old "No, I'm not good looking. Nobody will ever like me" manuver. What can I say? "Your right."? Another one is too many smiley faces. :) :) :) :) :). See how unnecessary that was?
Being a teenager rocks. Staying up until 2 every night and sleeping in 'till 11 every morning. Getting tan (or freckled in my case) and going swimming. Not having to be responsible really. High school, I like it more that most.