I saw the Deathly Hallow's again, and guess what?
I LOVED IT SO MUCH. So much. I'm so glad I saw it again.
There are too many incredible amazing scenes in that movie.
The 7 potter's. "Bill look away. I'm hideous."
Bill and Fleur's wedding.
At the ministry of magic.
Godric's Hollow.
Both scenes at the Malfoy Manor.
The whole locket scene (minus the floosy part), and Hermione's reaction to Ron coming back.
I'd get sleezy for Ronald Weasley
This was me when Dobby died:

One thing I wish they would have slipped in?
Words can't describe how much I love that elf.
Or how much I love Harry Potter.
And George was an absolute hoot. I love him.
Love love love.
July 15th can't come faster.
Expecto Patronum!