yesterday was oodles of fun. today was hilarious. I like Kassie. and Jessie. and Kati. and Robyn. everytime i would turn over in my sleep, i got a whiff of campfire smoke, that's #3. we headed up to makeout point to headlight couples "getting some". fail. but we found the appeal of it, the view is awesome. Costa tastes real good when it's dark outside, especially when you take turns telling awkward hand holding stories while you eat it.
5th Sunday is the best Sunday of them all. me and Syd got lucky enough to teach the rowdy 10 year old boys. goodness. one little boy, James, is the real life version of Russell, from "Up". he is a little chubby, super loud, and talks with a full on lisp. he yelled this at us 3 times when we told him to keep it down a little:
"I said I'd keep it under control, but I didn't say for how long! a loop hole!"
good one James.

hooray for bonfires, new-ish friends, good food, James, and life's awkwardness.
awkward hand holds... love it.
and yes, hammock nap. the best.
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