Wednesday, August 18, 2010

chew it. chew it up good.

Tubing. Down provo river is real exciting and fun. Cept when your family rotates you so you ALWAYS hit the branches and devil rocks.
A week from today babe.
I wear my hoodie and P.J.'s at 5 in the afternoon. And like it.
Chipped nail polish is oh so irksome.
This weather is nice and all, but I can't wait for winter so I can wear my pea coat and boots and hoodies and tights and sweaters everyday.
Chud. So cool right now. Chud.
My sleep pattern is awful right now. Bed at 2, wake up at 11. I should probably change that, seeing as school requires you wake up hetching early. Hello sleep deprivation.
Look for a new facebook page coming soon. "Hayden's pictures". Yep.
Robyn's ward does "double dutch sunday". I wish my ward was that cool.
39 cent taco's will be the death of me. Overdose of maize probably.

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