i feel like i'm constantly waiting for the future to happen. in class, i'm waiting for that bell that seems to take forever to ring. i'm waiting for lunch to get over so i can end the school day already. i'm waiting for softball season, and graduation, and college, and a mission, and getting married. and i'm just realizing that's exactly what i've always been doing. impatiently tapping my foot, waiting for the next thing to happen.
so. from here on out, i'm going to try to be more of a human being and less of a robot. you know, really live in the moment. i'll make the most out of my time, whether it's having dance parties, or baking cookies for a friend. no regrets. i guess you can say that's my 18 days late new year resolution.
also, guess who's going on their first cruise in t minus 23 days?
this girl. (!!!)
i can be your friend that needs cookies.
i adore chocolate chip.
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