Thursday, August 18, 2011


here's a list of things i would rather do before losing all my friends due to this thing called college.

-have never-ending hiccups
-repeat high school
-only eat brussels sprouts for a month
-have my wisdom teeth taken out
-sleep on the streets
-sit in snow for 20 minutes, in the nude.
-be blind in one eye
-break a bone
-listen to country music ALL THE TIME

tonight, i said goodbye to a good friend of mine. he's the first one out of our group of friends to go. i don't think it's really hit me yet that all this change is happening. it's sad to think that i'll probably never be really close with most of my best friends again. i guess we all have to grow up sometime.

change/college/moving/goodbye's/the situation i'm in=my least favorite thing.

*i apologize for the heavy depression in this post

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