Monday, April 25, 2011






light saber!

we had a fun Easter, i hope you did too!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

just hanging around

this is what we do in softball class every day.

by this time tomorrow i'll be in vegas babe. missing school for tournaments is possibly one of my favorite things. next time i'm here, i'll be mucho tan.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


i got it! such a relief. i kind of love it too. just gotta add the sleeves now. cause modest is hottest. right?

*the title is most definitely a joke.

spring break yo.

i didn't do anything super cool, but i did some neat little things.

like went into this huge used book store

went to Park City with the coolest, syd & robyn. saw the shoe tree. oh how i love the shoe tree.

i sat by a bear..

and we celebrated their birthdays

mom (15th) and cade (17th)

happy birthday! guess who only has 3 days of school this week?? heck yeah!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

i hate being home alone at night.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

monster with gills

we are fish sitting over spring break.

he's such a pretty color right?

too bad i think fishies are scary

he probably thinks i'm frightening if this is what he see's!

happy spring break!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

bloody heck

look how handsome he is. and he plays the guitar.

i want to go to Harry Potter world so badly, it'd be a dream come true to see the magic in real life. i'd buy a wand at ollivander's and purchase every sweet in honeyduke's. just walking through hogsmeade... (!!!!!). goodness, i get chills just thinking about it.

i'm a harry potter nerd.

i love it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


you know those songs that make you feel so happy all the time? this is one of those for me. it reminds me of my childhood, and watching Matilda (possibly one of the greatest movies). i got asked to prom last week, forgot to tell you. know Ryan Moon? yep that's my date. it'll be fuuun. know what's not going to be fun? finding a cute, modest, in-my-budget dress. can we just wear t-shirts and shorts to a dance please. and my kitty raja... well we haven't seen him for weeks now. i loved him more than i love adam brody, which is saying something. keep your eyes peeled for a cute, furry, ginger cat running around.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

he's my boyfriend

we're cute, it's fine.

thanks robyn, you know my love for the biebs too well.

Monday, April 4, 2011

weekend weekend

i'm pretty sure Richard G. Scott is the cutest man alive! between saturday sessions, we took a trip to trafalga. while we were there, the fire alarm went off and everybody had to evacuate. crazy.

on the lunch menu was pier 49 pizza. mmm

and our cherry blossoms have finally bloomed!


spring is so pretty.

p.s. my friend got asked to prom on KPGR today in a song. it was the coolest way of asking in the history of prom askings.

p.p.s. Mallory, you were right, my android phone loves me more thanks to this app!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


so there is this new show on FOX called "Mobbed". basically a bunch of random people get together and do insane things to surprise people. like the first episode, a guy had thousands of people dance a choreographed dance to "everlasting love" and there was a marching band and stunt people and coolio break dancers. and then he proposed to her!! she had no idea it was going to happen. it's the greatest thing EVER. i'm addicted and it's only aired once.. watch it here. seriously, you will want to.

Friday, April 1, 2011

in the future.

pretty sure i want this to be me when i grow up.

cutest thing ever.

he likes cats, plays the piano. perfect.

she likes music, dancing, reading. that's me.

location: library, snowy ground.

this explains my ideal status in 5 years.

also i really really want her shoes!

found on this blog.

oh, made by her too.