Monday, August 30, 2010

join the club

So like every other girl, I have a lot of celebrity crushes. And my latest crush changes weekly for the most part. Usually it alternates between Leonardo DiCaprio (in his younger days, like Romeo + Juliet), Rupert Grint (did you know he got swine flu a while back?!), David Archuleta, Ryan Gosling, Justin Beieber (yeah, yeah), and of course, Adam Brody. I have a soft spot for hollywood's hottest. Maybe it's unhealthy. Like I care.

Latest crush:

Ewan McGregor.
He's a babe.

You can't watch Moulin Rouge and still think of him as "just another actor". Swoooooooon.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

scaredy cat

I'm afraid for calculus. Every day people tell me, "You can do it!" and then proceed to tell me helpful tips and such. But seriously, I have to do good. And pre-cal wasn't exactly a breeze for me. My whole class knew it too. If I got higher than a 60 on a test, I'd get patted on the back. Literally. Know what would really be nice? Making it on Miss Smithson's wall.

I'm scurred for college. There is a part of me that is beyond excited, but the whole unfamiliar people and a new setting makes me think twice. Plus the professors are really tough and expect a lot. So basically getting an education stresses me out more than anything else. Nerd status probably?

I have a phobia of this. And I do not approve.

Time to solve for interval notations. Hhhhhh.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bed Intruder - Original News

Haha okay this is kinda sad, but watch it. It's hilarious.
I've been singing it all day.

When you're done, go here... homeboy.

you are so dumb. you're really dumb. for real.

lyrics are just runnin' through my head

Name that song.
"braced myself for the goodbye, cause that's all I've ever known.
then you took me by surprise
you said, 'I'll never leave you alone'"

"say you don't need no diamond rings
and i'll be satisfied.
tell me that you want the kind of things
that money just can't buy"

"this town gets cold i pull the wool down
i look up at the stars they hit the wet ground
we walked we stopped in your stereo
i really wanna be the color in your video"

"though my dreams, it's never quite as it seems
never quite as it seems"

"moving on the floor now babe your a bird of paradise
cherry ice cream smile i suppose it's very nice"

Thursday, August 26, 2010

i feel a school post is necessary

Okay... AP Calculus? You'll be the death of me. I'm preparing myself for frustrating nights full of tears and fake swearing. Ish. And Mr. Palmer's voice makes me sleepy. Which occurs a lot seeing as sleep is a luxury these days.

Bartholemew is kind of a mean man. And blames teenagers for all of his problems.
"Besides, you shouldn't eat candy. It makes you FAT"... Hypocrite.

Environmental science is a joke. First day, we watched The Lorax.
P.S. I'm lame and didn't realize you were in my class 'till I heard your name called, Cailey. Or I totally would have said hi. That's what I get for walking into every new class with my head down.

If I could marry Newman's sense of humor, I would

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

when i grow up, i'll live in san fransisco

It'd be like having a little palace of my own.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

such a good way to end the summer

I guess you could call us heroes or something.
We saved some little birdies from the clutches of menacing neighborhood boys.
These cute lil things got trapped in our neighbors batting cage and a group of pre teen boys found them. So, as boys, they called up a friend who has a hawk. Yes, they were planning on setting the hawk loose in the cage and watch as it ate the little birds for supper. My brother told my mom and my mom told me and in the end I scouted these girls:
As they were going to get the hawk, we snuck in the backyard, grabbed the precious's and dashed. Freedom.

The boys think they just escaped

I'll miss summer.
It was awesome.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

"you may not like him minister, but you can't deny: dumbledore's got style."

Harry Potter marathon.

I may or may not have already bought a homecoming dress. It may or may not be real cute. But hey, if I don't get asked to homecoming (pity party already planned) then preference will be a go.

He's attractive:
We fed our kitty cat fancy feast today. Gravy style.

Sunday is always the best day of the week. No matter what, those girls make your day.
Yogurt blisssss.

She's not attractive:

I showered in Ryan's sink. Don't worry, it was awkward.

Del taco. Del taco. Del taco. Secret sauce. A symphony in your mouth.

I hope so.


"The best excercise for the heart is bending over and picking someone up."
I like this quote.

Friday, August 20, 2010

watch out

Let's remind ourselves about that one time PG took on timp poo.
We won.
And Syd, you know her? Yeah she almost got in a fight with some junior high kids. I think she would have killed them too if someone hadn't have held her back.
I. Can't. Wait.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

three cheers!

cheer #1- Me and Syd took an Ikea trip today, cause we're big kids and the weather was perfect for it. That place has yet to disappoint me. I managed to: one, interrupt a couple's snogging session (awkwaaaard), two, disconnect a bar in the closet where all the hangers were which caused them to go clattering to the floor and make everybody and their dog look in our direction, and three, make Syd embarrassed, like, 30 times. We turned the dial to 5 minutes on all the little timers hoping to cause a scene. It didn't work. And I didn't find one painting that would match my room. Bummer. "Darling... I don't know how to tell you this, but.. there's a Chinese family in our bathroom". Hip for Ikea.

cheer #2- Ain't no party like a PG party uh... uh uh. FOOTBALL. First game is tomorrow, and I could not be more excited. I can't wait to hold up that W for Winston. I can't wait to make fun of our opponents. More like hear them being made fun of by our crazy fans. More like the crazy boys. More like Hayden. I can't wait for the homecoming game so i can get dressed up like there's nothing else, and not even care. Cause I'm a senior. Football games are on my top 3 favorite things about high school fo sho. Hip for football.

cheer #3- I feel good about life lately. Things just seem to go my way. I've had a busier schedule recently which makes me feel accomplished. I've hung out with old friends and haven't ever had this much fun. All the school clothes I got are my favorite. The weather has been magical. I've started better sleep habits. The girls in my ward are the best. I have a sawweet school schedule. I feel like I've become closer to my Heavenly Father. Things on my side are just swell. Hooray for life!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

chew it. chew it up good.

Tubing. Down provo river is real exciting and fun. Cept when your family rotates you so you ALWAYS hit the branches and devil rocks.
A week from today babe.
I wear my hoodie and P.J.'s at 5 in the afternoon. And like it.
Chipped nail polish is oh so irksome.
This weather is nice and all, but I can't wait for winter so I can wear my pea coat and boots and hoodies and tights and sweaters everyday.
Chud. So cool right now. Chud.
My sleep pattern is awful right now. Bed at 2, wake up at 11. I should probably change that, seeing as school requires you wake up hetching early. Hello sleep deprivation.
Look for a new facebook page coming soon. "Hayden's pictures". Yep.
Robyn's ward does "double dutch sunday". I wish my ward was that cool.
39 cent taco's will be the death of me. Overdose of maize probably.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

project runway

I'm basically addicted now is all, thanks to Syd. I like it.
I like it a lot.
Jorma Taccone looks like A.J.

Bradley Cooper + Thomas Lennon (as Ned) = Nicholas

Just sayin'.

subjects of my nightmares.

The ring girl.



Aquatic animals

Monday, August 16, 2010

shaving creeeaaaaam

Did this for and hour today :

It's sooo fun to play in.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

soundtrack of my life

The TING of a softball finding the bat.
Scratching sound of pen on paper
Phineas and Ferb theme song
Uncontrollable laughter
The swish of pages turning
Beat boxing- skeedaleebop
"Something 'Bout Love"
Shutter on the camera clicking
Splash! Jumping in the pool
Scooters skidding
Tweeeeeeeeeeeee. Whistle.
Crickets chirping
"Got a secret can you keep it.."

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Clay is super awesome, and teaches us how to be creative.
Cute headbands were made.
We go to the soccer game and get ice balls thrown at us
after chatting it up with Shelb.
I see friends like Cade, Nate, and Kitten. And get happy.
Then we go to T's house and watch a video of him sky-diving.
We get all nauseous and stuff while we scarf goodies.
Kassie worries a lot, I try to assure her it's O.K.
But we go to Cole's and sit there.
Nothing gets done for a good hour. And David is real awkward.
We head to the field to watch the meteor shower
but first we jump some rope.
On the turf.
Then we watch for shooting stars, and see a wopping 3.
Ammon rubs his head on mine, and Cole is a meanie head.
Expecto patronum.
We hear Hayden down at the pool snarling over the intercom.
Then he whistles at us
with his lifeguard whistle.
He insults David, we don't hear David for a while. He's.. gone.
Shut up Seth.
Robyn thinks Jesse is a 10.
Things get inappropriate.
Ammon has my back, all the time.
Hayden loves Kim..
and is smeagle.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

riding my two-wheeler

I did something for the first time today, and that something is mowing the lawn. I'm 17 and hadn't operated one of those until now, kinda pathetic. Anyways, it was like I went from 17 to 7, trying to learn how to ride a bike without the training wheels. At least that's what it felt like. At first it was awkward and uncomfortable, but after a bit I got the hang of it.
Speaking of two-wheelers,
when I get married I want to roll out on a tandem bike after, like this lovely couple.
picture found here


Today, at water garden's theatre, a stranger called me freckle face.............
And I can't believe PLL left us hanging like that. The suspense!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8 dollar shoes

I like great deals like 8 dollar shoes. I consider myself a smart shopper.
Tank top for $15? Rip off. Jeans for $40? Rip off.
Thank goodness for 5 dollar tee's and 3 dollar tanks. Life's good.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

counting down

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows premiers in 104 days. I can't even wait, it's gonna be epic. Life changing even.

Mockingjay in 17 days. Collins is a genius. REBELLION.

School! I'll get my life back in 18 days. Sorry to all those who's gag reflexes trigger at the mention of school. I for one am excited.

they used to call me piddles

Sydnee Merrell Merrell should probably come home sometime soon.
Shelbie Owen's is a cool cat, I tend to like her.
I missed Saturday's spotlight. Oops.
I've always wanted to go to one of those events where you sit in an arena, and monster trucks go head to head. I believe it's called a monster truck derby?
I read about Dobby dying. And cried.
Sunday School lessons are now held outside under a tree and we love them.
I used to hate orange soda, but now I fancy it quite a bit.
I've been changing my nail polish color almost everyday according to what tickles my fancy.
The word "fancy" is a new favorite.
The White Stripes.
I haven't been on a vacation this whole summer. I just read about other people's.
Fajitas are muy bien.
My little brother wears redneck clothes: cut off shirt and camo PJ's. Classy.
I like post-it notes and the smell of melted crayons.
Today at church I got a zucchini brownie (nutritioius and delicious!) and a coconut cookie square.
Laurels get to sing during Sacrament meeting. Goodie.
Craving a trip to Ikea.
And juice press.
I wish I had a stamp collection. Or a coin collection, like in The Last Song.
School! School! School!
Nap time.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

goes my heart

google images
So cool.
Picture this, you're sitting on your roof, and the sun is setting. There is a slight breeze, which feels good on your sunburned forehead. The neighbors are mowing their lawn, and your sprinklers are going. You can smell a barbecue nearby. Then you hear the ice cream man making his rounds. This is what I'm going to miss when school starts.

Friday, August 6, 2010

teacher thinks that i sound funny but she likes the way you sing

"Just borrow some from the school nurse. I know she has like five sticks in her drawer."
"Your mom goes to college"
"The worst day of my life, what do you think?"
"It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for it's skills in magic.
"Well, you have a sweet bike. And you're really good at hooking up with chicks. Plus you're like the only guy at this school who has a mustache."
".... Boyfriend?"
"Napoleon you know we can't afford the fun pack. What, do you think money grows on tree's in this family? Take it back! And get some pampers for you and your brother while you're at it!"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

debbie downer

'Scuse me while I be all negative for a sec.
Okay, saw The Last Airbender for the first time today. It wasn't as bad as facebook status's everywhere claimed it was, but there were some pretty cheesy parts. And Katara's face bugged me, sorry. Also the dragon spirit was off.
If you see, on facebook, a Lisa Castleberry, it's a fraud. My brother thought it would be hilarious to make a fake account since I deleted mine. I laughed for a bit, then got pretty annoyed.
I doubt I will have a date to the Homecoming dance. Pity party anyone?
Things just haven't seem to be going my way lately.
I need some Felix Felicis, I need a good day before I punch someone.

On the up side, It's been raining a whole lot, and the rain makes me happy.

P.S. That's my brother who I consider an online predator. He's single, ladies.

epic things




Wednesday, August 4, 2010

wanna know how many friends i make when i do this? a million.

Man! I can't handle all these pleas to hang out anymore. I'm too popular for my own good...
My social life status? Nonexistent.
Reasons being:
I do nothing but watch ABC on T.V.
My idea of an adrenaline rush is riding scooters down a big hill
No friends.
See ya.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


My little brother Cade and I sometimes like to lay in the sun and read during the day.
I try to do a little natural tanning while I'm at it, but the either-get-real-burned-then-peel-right-away-so-I'm-back-with-paste-or-freckle-like-there's-no-tomorrow process takes place.

This is our attempt to take a picture, but I ruin it and sneeze.
I think maybe I got a hint of a tan though! Wooop!

Monday, August 2, 2010


alejandro, alejandro..


Yeah they're cute, but whatever.
I liked Chris.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

such a good sunday.

a) My 15 year old brother Luke is a crack up. Today during sacrament meeting, we sat behind a small family with 2 youngsters no older than two years old. As little one's do, they would turn around and stare, mostly at Luke. This made him as comfortable as a 5th grader during their maturation program. Every time one of the little kids wheeled around in their seats to look at him, he fidgeted and shifted in his seat, averting his eyes. It was so hard not to burst out laughing.

b) We had our sunday school lesson outside under a tree, so things were already pretty great. To top it off, Neal Anderson is in our class. He says the most awkward things under his breath including "It's cause it's mating season" and "Chippendale's... heheh". Yes, our class does talk about Chippendale's men. And our lesson only lasted about 15 minutes, so the rest of the time was ours to talk.

c) Mickell Walker. This studdly fresh RM taught young womens today, and I don't believe I've ever payed attention to the lesson (or the teacher) more. Every girl older than 14 was drooling I think. As if staring for 40 minutes at saint standing in front of us wasn't enough, our lesson was really good. It was about testimonies and obedience and that good stuff. I learned lot's.

And now I'm off to a BBQ with the family.