Sunday, August 1, 2010

such a good sunday.

a) My 15 year old brother Luke is a crack up. Today during sacrament meeting, we sat behind a small family with 2 youngsters no older than two years old. As little one's do, they would turn around and stare, mostly at Luke. This made him as comfortable as a 5th grader during their maturation program. Every time one of the little kids wheeled around in their seats to look at him, he fidgeted and shifted in his seat, averting his eyes. It was so hard not to burst out laughing.

b) We had our sunday school lesson outside under a tree, so things were already pretty great. To top it off, Neal Anderson is in our class. He says the most awkward things under his breath including "It's cause it's mating season" and "Chippendale's... heheh". Yes, our class does talk about Chippendale's men. And our lesson only lasted about 15 minutes, so the rest of the time was ours to talk.

c) Mickell Walker. This studdly fresh RM taught young womens today, and I don't believe I've ever payed attention to the lesson (or the teacher) more. Every girl older than 14 was drooling I think. As if staring for 40 minutes at saint standing in front of us wasn't enough, our lesson was really good. It was about testimonies and obedience and that good stuff. I learned lot's.

And now I'm off to a BBQ with the family.


Sydnee said...

chippendales, not chip and dale's
and oh mickell walker, will you please marry me??

lisa said...

urr yeah.