Sunday, August 8, 2010

they used to call me piddles

Sydnee Merrell Merrell should probably come home sometime soon.
Shelbie Owen's is a cool cat, I tend to like her.
I missed Saturday's spotlight. Oops.
I've always wanted to go to one of those events where you sit in an arena, and monster trucks go head to head. I believe it's called a monster truck derby?
I read about Dobby dying. And cried.
Sunday School lessons are now held outside under a tree and we love them.
I used to hate orange soda, but now I fancy it quite a bit.
I've been changing my nail polish color almost everyday according to what tickles my fancy.
The word "fancy" is a new favorite.
The White Stripes.
I haven't been on a vacation this whole summer. I just read about other people's.
Fajitas are muy bien.
My little brother wears redneck clothes: cut off shirt and camo PJ's. Classy.
I like post-it notes and the smell of melted crayons.
Today at church I got a zucchini brownie (nutritioius and delicious!) and a coconut cookie square.
Laurels get to sing during Sacrament meeting. Goodie.
Craving a trip to Ikea.
And juice press.
I wish I had a stamp collection. Or a coin collection, like in The Last Song.
School! School! School!
Nap time.


Sydnee said...

laurel's are singing? joke right?
i just got the new 2011 ikea catalog
trust me, i am craving more than you
oh and i'm home (=

Shelbie McKae said...

dear lisa, um so singing in church that sounded like a 'good idea' just to make everyone shut their mouths... then I remembered that it will involve us. and singing.
Also, juice press, craving it. a lot. Maybe after golf?

lisa said...

YEAH! finally.
Shelb, agreed.