Tuesday, September 14, 2010

the best things in life are free, but you can give them to the birds and the bees

Best feelings ever?
-Coming home after school, getting changed into sweats, pulling your hair back, and laying on the couch
-Getting a compliment from somebody you wouldn't expect
-Wearing that new soft hoodie for the first time
-Working out then taking a cold shower
-Waking up on saturday morning thinking you're late for school then realizing you can sleep for two more hours
-Freshly painted nails
-Floating on your back in the pool

Worst feelings ever?
-Sleeping through something important
-Getting a test back with a 60 on it
-Stepping on a pokey plant
-Spotting a spider smeagling into your room
-Jammed fingers.


Lurpy Livin' said...

hey syd. see that nsync cd cover? its on the floor, in my room, right now. just found it a couple days ago.

lisa said...

hey robyn... it's me, lise. not syd.

Sydnee said...

good one robyn!

[love, kati] said...

lurpy livin'?
oh my lisa. your brilliant.
kudos on robyns blog. i enjoy her about me too.