Tuesday, December 21, 2010

a post like this

i was asked the other day, "if you could spend a whole day with either
Justin Beiber or David Archuleta, who would you choose?"
i still can't decide.
who else is loving this snow? i've been waiting so long for
this magic to happen. this year, i'm going midnight sledding.
it's really crazy how you can see someone in the halls
of your school for 6 years and think nothing of it.
then you learn about a tragedy in their lives, and you think about them
in a completely different way.
i have a problem. i love love love having a clean, organized room,
but i absolutely hate cleaning it. i should probably learn better
for when i have a house of my own...
The Winter Song by Eisley has been on repeat on my
ipod as of late. it's a good'un.
Happy Christmas Harry!

1 comment:

Sydnee said...

happy christmas ron!