Monday, April 23, 2012

taking a break from the industrial revolution

finals are hard. and writing ten page papers is hard, too. i don't think they'd be as tedious if it weren't for the distracting 80 degree weather outside. sweet love, i want to go to there.

i've been drinking out of the same smart water bottle since february.

remember my kitty ham? she's about to have babies and i'm SO excited.

i really really really miss my missionary friend(s).

cereal is especially good at 2 in the morning. even more so when you make a walmart trip to get that cereal, wearing your pj's and no makeup.

i woke up at 11 today. my sleep schedule is ridiculous.

i've been craving cocoa dynobites like nobody's business lately. if i could eat them for every meal and get all my vitamins for the day i would.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mom and little brother, whose birthdays were both this past week. i love them so much.

when i wake up each morning, my first thought is "i really want to go hiking right now".

birds. are. chirping. outside. my. window.
it's taking every ounce of "no" i have right now not to go outside and play.

1 comment:

jessie said...

my sleep schedule is wack too. and i miss the missionaries.