Thursday, August 5, 2010

debbie downer

'Scuse me while I be all negative for a sec.
Okay, saw The Last Airbender for the first time today. It wasn't as bad as facebook status's everywhere claimed it was, but there were some pretty cheesy parts. And Katara's face bugged me, sorry. Also the dragon spirit was off.
If you see, on facebook, a Lisa Castleberry, it's a fraud. My brother thought it would be hilarious to make a fake account since I deleted mine. I laughed for a bit, then got pretty annoyed.
I doubt I will have a date to the Homecoming dance. Pity party anyone?
Things just haven't seem to be going my way lately.
I need some Felix Felicis, I need a good day before I punch someone.

On the up side, It's been raining a whole lot, and the rain makes me happy.

P.S. That's my brother who I consider an online predator. He's single, ladies.

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