Thursday, September 30, 2010

yip yip!

1. Thank the person you recieved the award from
Cailey Haynie is cooler than 97% of everybody i know. She keeps it real, and i admire her lots.

2. Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience using 5 words
tons of swagger. really cool.
3. Pass this on to 10 bloggers
Kassie- she's a hoot. Her blog is classic.
Jessie- blogs about cool things. things i like. you'd like it.
Danny- for a newbie to the blogging world, his blog is very entertaining.
Wob- She's got substance.
Meg- Probably already got this 4 times, but she's a great writer.
5 will just have to do!


meg. said...

thanks lis, that's real nice of you.

can i call you lis?

kassie said...

Lisa. I love you. And I feel honored. beb.

lisa said...

yes, yes you may.